Prize Watch: Canada Prize in, Dafoe pending
The Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences has announced the finalists for its Canada Prize , given annually to scholarly works about Canada that were aided by the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Program. A good representation of historians this year, and four out of five from McGill-Queen's Press. Christopher Dummitt, Unbuttoned: A History of Mackenzie King's Secret Life (McGill-Queen�s University Press) E.A. Heaman, Tax, Order, and Good Government: A New Political History of Canada, 1867-1917 (McGill-Queen�s University Press) Adam Montgomery, T he Invisible Injured: Psychological Trauma in the Canadian Military from the First World War to Afghanistan (McGill-Queen�s University Press) Cheryl Suzack, Indigenous Women's Writing and the Cultural Study of Law (University of Toronto Press) Donald G. Wetherell, Wildlife, Land, and People: A Century of Change in Prairie Canada (McGill-Queen�s University Press) I hear rumours about the shortlist for the J.W. Dafoe Prize f...