Happy World Heritage Day

Yeah, I didn't know it was World Heritage Day, either, but there you are.  Go see a monument.

I googled Heritage Canada Foundation to see what it was doing today, and the first link was the National Trust for Canada, an evolution I still don't entirely understand, though Wikipedia says they are now the same thing.  But it's a pretty website.

Today also, the Ontario Museum in Toronto announces that its new Daphne Cockwell Gallery of First Nations Art and Culture will be permanently open to the public free of charge. The ROM describes this as
part of the Museum�s broader effort to foster greater appreciation of the Indigenous collections stewarded by the Museum, and to support the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report. This is also one in a series of long term initiatives aimed at increasing public access to the Museum.
Free public museums -- there's a heritage initiative I could get behind.

Image: National Trust for Canada


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