This month at Canada's History

Gettin' topical in the February-March Canada's History. The possible death of NAFTA provoked my column "Passing the Bucks."  Based on a reading of Smart Globalization and a conversation with one of its editor-contributors, Dimitry Anastakis (Andrew Smith being the other), the column considers whether the era of "hyperglobalization" we have seen in recent decades may be collapsing under its own weight.

A spectacular cover (I'd show it, but it ain't up at the website yet), "Vinland Vikings: the Mysterious Norse Settlement Found," leads to a sober and persuasive essay about Norse visits to the Gulf of St. Lawrence region, contributed by Birgitta Wallace, the fruit of a lifetime's scholarship on the subject. Plus Second World War letters, praise for Saskatoon, polio in the Arctic.

And much more, including (why have a blog if you cannot plug your friends once in a while?) an enthusiastic review of Anne McDonald's Miss Confederation, and a curious back page photograph submitted by Hamar Foster.

There's a strong excerpt from a book I had been meaning to take note of here, Cecilia Morgan's Travellers Through Empire, which follows indigenous Canadians who visited Britain between 1770 and 1914

If you subscribed like you outta, it might have been in your mailbox today.


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