Labour History

Howzit, you ask, that the people who hold Tim Horton's franchises can have a union to negotiate terms and conditions with the owners, but the people who hand out double-doubles at the window can't have a union to negotiate terms and conditions with the franchisees?

What, you thought labour relations was fair? But the process may be teaching franchisees and their Great White North Franchisee Association what it is like to go up against the boss.
the Great White North Franchisee Association board said it is �appalled� that Mark Kuziora, who owns two Toronto Tim Hortons franchises, was allegedly told by Tim Hortons parent company Restaurants Brands International in early April that he would be denied a renewal for one of the restaurants at the end of August.
The board said Kuziora had been negotiating with RBI and TDL Group, a Tim Hortons subsidiary, since September and trusted the negotiations were being done �in good faith.�
What, he thought it was fair?


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